Level Crosssing Closures 2024/25

North Down Line Signalling Upgrade – Level crossing work starting 21 September Network Rail are carrying out a major resignalling project to improve the railway on the North Downs line, between Shalford and Gomshall stations.    Over the next year, their teams will be...

Old Fire Station Public Toilets Refurbishment

The Old Fire Station Public Toilets are going to be refurbished. The building was leased to the council in 1977 from Shere Manor Estate and are now desperately in need of refurbishment. The inside will be redesigned for better access for people with a disability and...

Holmbury St Mary Councillor Vacancy

NOTICE OF VACANCY IN THE OFFICE OF COUNCILLOR The South East Ward of SHERE PARISH COUNCIL (Holmbury St Mary) NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT A casual vacancy exists in the Office of Councillor for the South East Ward of Shere Parish Council, following the resignation of...

Thames Water A25 Works

Two representatives of Galliford Try Construction came to the October Parish Council meeting to give a presentation on the works they are undertaking for Thames water, to build a 9km pipeline From Pewley Reservoir to Netley Mill. This is to add vital capacity as we...

Notice of Election

Below is the Notice of Election for the Parish Council Vacancy for South East Ward, Holmbury St Mary. Please put your nominations in by 4pm on Friday, 18 October 2024 Notice of Election
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