Parish Defibrillators
Public access defibrillators are there to be used for someone in cardiac arrest. After a cardiac arrest, every minute without CPR (cardiopulmonary resuscitation) and defibrillation reduces someone’s chance of survival by 10 per cent.
The Parish Council have purchased four Public Access Defibrillators for the villages in the Parish. Their locations are shown in the photographs below.
To find your closest defibrillator please visit The Circuit Defib Finder Map
No formal training is necessary for using them. In the event of an emergency CALL 999, if you do not already know where the defibrillator is located, the ambulance service will direct you. The defibrillator itself is a fully mobile unit, which is kept inside a heated cabinet to ensure that it is kept in full working order. Remove the defibrillator from the cabinet. When the defibrillator is opened, full instructions are given, both spoken and with diagrams.
Do not worry, it will not allow you to hurt the patient, but you may save a life!
For more information on Public Access Defibrillators please click on the British Heart Foundation link below:
A training session has already been held at Tanyard Hall in Gomshall, for anyone who was interested in becoming more familiar with the defibrillators. We aim to hold another one soon and if you are interested, please call tel: 01483 203431or email the Parish Office for more information:
The CO-OP, Shere