Shere Parish Council Filming Policy

Numerous requests are received by Shere Parish Council from Production Companies wishing to film within the Parish. The purpose of this policy is to set down certain parameters to ensure that there is a balance between the needs of the film makers, and the minimising of disruption to the local community. Details of initial points of contact are included.

The following information is required by Shere Parish Council:

  • Name of production company, type of production, contact name and details
  • A copy of Public Liability Insurance
  • Risk assessment for each location affecting the public
  • Copy of permissions from Surrey County Council, if relevant, detailing road closures, diversions and traffic management
  • The size of the production – personnel and vehicles
    Small (1 – 5 crew), Medium (6 – 11 crew), Large (11 – 29 crew), Major features (30 + crew)
  • Plans for parking production vehicles
  • Plans for removal of refuse
  • Nature of the film/use of special effects

The production company must ensure that the location owners and adjacent residents affected by the filming are:

  • Kept fully informed of the intentions of the production company
  • Compensated for any loss of income
  • Given written notice, such as a letter drop, at least seven days prior to the first day of being on location. Details of special effects, overnight lighting, use of replica firearms and impersonation of the Emergency Services should be included.
  • Signs are put up on the edge of the village to give advance warning if there is to be travel disruption through the village

Emergency access must be maintained at all times during set up and filming

Health and Safety

The production company must:

  • Provide a risk assessment for each location where members of the public may be affected
  • Provide a qualified first aider for these location
  • Use high visibility clothing if members of the production company are on the highway
  • Have recognisable ID if dealing with the public

Residents and Members of the Public

  1. The Production Company personnel are visitors and should be sensitive to the community in which they are working.
  2. All neighbouring residents and businesses must be given no less than seven days notice of filming by letter or personal visit, and letter drops must contain telephone/e-mail details for a named contact within the Production Company.
  3. Noise must be kept to a minimum at all times. Separate permission to make noise during unsociable hours must be obtained from Guildford Borough Council. Use of generators has to be approved, and silent running generators may be requested.
  4. All members of the Production Company and its associated workforce are to behave and dress appropriately at all times.
  5. Sensitive locations, such as the War Memorials and Churches require particular adherence to respectful code of conduct.
  6. Access to private property must be maintained, and no footways or roads blocked unless with permission from Surrey County Council, and an alternative safe route must be provided with disabled access.
  7. Lighting, cables and other equipment must not cause a hazard to the public.
  8. Production vehicles must park where agreed (contacts for alternative locations in the Appendix) and not cause problems to traffic circulation e.g. on double yellow lines, bus stops, unless a copy of permission from Surrey County Council has been received.
  9. Refreshments must be taken in the agreed location and catering facilities agreed in advance.
  10. Removal of refuse is the responsibility of the Production Company (contact Guildford Borough Council). The Production Company must make good any damage and leave the locations clean and tidy.
  11. Security staff should be used, if appropriate, to protect the location and equipment.


Shere Parish Council receives compensation, on behalf of the local residents, as follows:

 Small production (1 – 5 crew) – £96

 Medium production (6 – 11 crew) – £240 per day

 Large production (11 – 29 crew) – £600 per day

 Major features (30 + crew) – By negotiation (minimum £1,800 per day)

The amounts above are guidelines; the fee may alter when considering location of filming, length of filming and
potential disruption. In exceptional circumstances a waiver may be considered for a charity or student.

In addition the Production Company must discuss compensation arrangements with:

  • Local businesses who suffer loss of income e.g. due to road closure
  • Residents who are affected specifically by the filming, e.g. asked to move vehicles from the public highway
  • Residents whose properties are filmed

Local Contacts

Parish Clerk (Shere, Peaslake, Gomshall, Holmbury St Mary)
Suzanne Hoyland 01483 203431

Shere Recreation
Shere Manor Estate –
National Trust, Parking/Film Location – Harvey Edgington 0207 824 7128/07956 312238

Village Hall Hire
Shere Village Hall: Claire Dobson 0746978871
Peaslake Memorial Hall: Alice Williams 01306 731018/07812 491397
Tanyard Hall, Gomshall: Suzanne Hoyland  01483 203431
Holmbury St Mary Village Hall: Booking Secretary 01306 730902


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